Evolution of video games (5th-12th grades)
- 05.04.2023 kell 12:15–13:15
- 05.04.2023 kell 13:15–14:15
- 12.04.2023 kell 12:15–13:15
- 12.04.2023 kell 13:15–14:15
Evolution of video games (5th-12th grades)
Why do old video games seem more complicated than new ones?
What games were played here and elsewhere?
How have games changed and evolved?
An educational video games program combines a history lesson with playing legendary video games. We’ll discover something new and exciting about old video games and, of course, play!
We’ll get to try out a diverse range of games:
- Games that today’s grandparents might have dreamed of;
- Games that your mum and dad used to play, and games that your grandparents used to play.
- games that are still familiar to young people in the 21st century.
NOTE: If a group of more than 15 people wishes to participate in the video games program, we recommend that you also opt for a treasure hunt. During the two hours, all students will have the opportunity to take part in both fast-paced and moving programs.
The video games education program is organized in partnership with the Video Games Museum LVLup!
Relationship with cross-curricular themes and generic competences:
- Information environment – development of the student as an information literate person, who perceives and is aware of the surrounding information environment and is able to critically analyse it.
- Communicative competence – the ability to express oneself clearly and appropriately.
- Learning competence – the ability to acquire the information needed to learn, to use what is learned in different contexts and to solve problems.
Related subjects: history, media studies, Estonian language
Target group: 5th-12th grades.
Duration: 60 minutes (120 minutes for a combination of treasure hunt and video games).
The video games program is free of charge!
The video game program can be ordered in Estonian, English or French. The treasure hunt is in Estonian.
Additional information
- The National Library’s thematic lessons are FREE!
- The lessons take place on weekdays, you can find the times of the lessons on the booking form!
- Lessons take place in the study classroom and reading areas of the RaRa small building (Narva mnt 11).
Booking is only possible via the booking form, preferably 1 week before the lesson.
Please arrive at the lobby of the National Library (Narva mnt 11) at least 10 minutes before the program.
Museum opening hours:
Mon-Fri 12-18
Mon 12-14 and Fri 12-16 Educational programs*.
* educational program, i.e. these times can be booked, in which case the museum is reserved for program participants and closed to the general public.