How to Find Reliable Sources for Writing Research Papers (upper secondary school)
How to Find Reliable Sources for Writing Research Papers (upper secondary school)
Thematic class on information sources.
Brief introduction
The class gives an overview of the National Library’s services and teaches students how to use the e-library’s databases. Students will be taught practical tips on how to find information on the Internet and the library’s online environment and will learn about the evaluation criteria and rules for using the sources they have found.
In this practical class, students will work through information-searching exercises on different topics, conducting searches in online search systems (Google Scholar and Google Books), the ESTER online catalogue and the e-library’s collections (digital archive DIGAR, DIGAR Estonian Articles portal, the National Library’s search portal).
Duration: 45-90 minutes
Target audience: upper secondary school
Angelica Õunapuu
Head of Educational Activities