Education Centre
Education Centre offers different educational programs and materials that support the learning process.
Educational programs
The aim of our educational programs is:
- to portray the National Library as a positive, open, and modern organisation;
- to instil in children the habit of visiting the National Library and the confidence to do so already by an early age;
- to develop the information literacy of current and future library users, as well as their knowledge and skills to use the library effectively.
The National Library’s educational programs are FUN, INCLUSIVE, COLLABORATIVE and help to develop student’s CREATIVITY as well as to support and enrich the CURRICULUM.
- Our educational programs are free of charge for students!
- Group size is 10–25 people.
Note! The programs are offered on business days from 10:00 to 16:00 and must be booked at least 3 weeks in advance.
Specialised Information Training
Are you a STUDENT, SPECIALIST, OFFICIAL, or ENTHUSIAST? Are you interested in searching for information in the fields of law, economics, marketing,…
- RaRa small building (Narva mnt 11)
economics, , , , , , , ,
Additional information and booking:
Angelica Õunapuu
Head of Educational Activities
e-mail: angelica.ounapuu@nlib.ee